Great American Coin Co Blog
November 28, 2019

A funny thing happens to gold and silver most Decembers. Prices tend to go down and this December may be the best time buy gold and silver since last summer. Prices for both metals have been on a slight downward trend, from a high of $1549 on September 3 for gold to $1460 as this article is being wr...

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November 24, 2019

Authorized in 1864 by Congress to process the huge amounts of silver discovered in Nevada, the Carson City Mint produced its first coins, Seated Liberty silver dollars, in 1870. They continued to be minted until production of silver dollars was the Coinage Act of 1873. Seated Liberty ha...

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November 23, 2019

Silver and gold have been among the most appreciated gifts since the beginnings of civilization thousands of years ago. They still rank among the most treasured today. Here are some ideas about how to include gold and silver coins and bullion on your shopping list for your special someones. ...

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November 14, 2019

Coins obviously have two sides: a front and a back. But which is which? And does it matter?
To numismatists, the serious coin historians and collectors, it does. That’s why they use the terms obverse and reverse instead of the heads-and-tails vernacular. Heads and Tails

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October 29, 2019

Got the coin bug but don’t where to start? Try collecting by coin type. It’s an easy way to start and doesn’t take a ton of money. In fact, ever since coin albums became popular in the 1930s, it’s been one of the most popular ways to get started. What Are Coin Types?
In the s...

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October 27, 2019

Silver has been a hot topic since its run-up over the course of the last year. At nearly $18 an ounce, the shiny metal has captured the attention of investors and collectors alike. And one of the best ways to add silver to your portfolio is investing in silver coins, a strategy that offers an additi...

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October 25, 2019

As rare coin prices escalate, many collectors are turning to items like commemorative coins, medals, and tokens to add to their holdings. Since history plays such a large role in coin collecting, one category that’s showing lots of interest (and rising prices) is presidential inaugural medals. Sever...

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October 15, 2019

Before there were nickels, there were half dimes. In fact, the half dime was the first coin struck by the new US Mint in Philadelphia in 1792, probably as a pattern test. Production began in earnest in 1794 with over 86,000 coins minted through the end of 1795. The original coins bore a “Flowing Hai...

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October 08, 2019

As interest in the gold and silver bullion markets rises (along with prices), we thought our readers would benefit from an understanding of the terms they will encounter as they explore the various places bullion is traded. Glossary of Bullion Terms Ask Price

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