Venezuelan Bolivar

Venezuelan Bolivar


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24 products

Venezuela 500 DIGITALES Banknote 2023 UNC Bolivar UncirculatedDigitales 7 Note Set 5
200 Digitales OBV200 Digitales REV
Venezuela 100 DIGITALES Banknote 2021 UNC Bolivar UncirculatedVenezuela 100 DIGITALES Banknote 2021 UNC Bolivar Uncirculated
Venezuela 100 DIGITALES Banknote 2021 Bolivar CirculatedVenezuela 100 DIGITALES Banknote 2021 Bolivar Circulated
Venezuela 100 DIGITALES Banknote 2021 Bolivar Circulated

Starting at: $30.61

As low as: $27.01

Save $318.73
SALE - 1,000,000 Venezuela Bolivar Soberano Banknote UNCIRCULATED Dated 2020 (One Million) - BUNDLE OF 100SALE - 1,000,000 Venezuela Bolivar Soberano Banknote UNCIRCULATED Dated 2020 (One Million) - BUNDLE OF 100
Million Bolivar 2020 Circulated BundleMillion Bolivar 2020 Circulated OBV
Digitales 7 Note Set 1Digitales 7 Note Set 2
500k.Bolivar.Bndl500 K Bolivar 2020 OBV.bndl
Digitales 2021.Complete SetDigitales.2021.100.OBV
500 K Bolivar 2020 OBV500 K Bolivar 2020 REV
100,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC Obv100,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC Rev
100,000 Venezuela Bolivar Fuerte Uncirculated Dated 2017

Starting at: $10.18

As low as: $9.29

Set of 13 Venezuela Bolivar 2007 to 2017
20,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC Obv20,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC Obv
20,000 Venezuela Bolivar Fuerte Uncirculated Dated 2017

Starting at: $7.50

As low as: $5.96

10,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC REV10,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC REV
10,000 Venezuela Bolivar Fuerte Uncirculated Dated 2017

Starting at: $5.62

As low as: $4.60

Million Bolivar 2020 Circulated BrickMillion Bolivar 2020 Circulated OBV
Million Bolivar 2020 BrickMillion Bolivar Brick Dated 2020 Single OBV
500K Bolivar 2020 Brick500 K Bolivar 2020 Brick OBV
100K Bolivar 2017 Brick100,000 Venezuela Bolivar UNC Without Serial Number - BRICK
100,000 Venezuela Bolivar Fuerte Uncirculated 2017 - BRICK of 1000

Starting at: $2,256.33

As low as: $2,123.61

20K Bolivar 2017 Brick20,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC BRICK OBV
10K Bolivar 2017 Brick10,000 Bolivars Dated 2017 UNC REV BRICK

Learn More About Venezuelan Bolivar Products

Venezuelan Bolivar Banknotes dated 2020 and earlier no longer have currency value.

PLEASE BE ADVISED it is the opinion of Great Am Coin that out of circulation Venezuelan Bolivar will NEVER be money again and consist of collectible former banknotes only.

The Great American Coin Company does not provide investment advice nor do we comment on rumors in the market place regarding any item we sell.

All  Venezuelan Bolivar Banknotes sold by the Great American Coin Company® are sold as collectibles and are not considered currency.

With the exception of Venezuelan Bolivar banknotes dated 2021 or earlier, all Venezuelan Bolivar Banknotes sold by the Great American Coin Company®  have no currency value and are considered collectible/novelty items only.

Great American Coin Company prices for Venezuelan Bolivar Banknotes are based on current market prices which are determined by supply and demand.

In regards to a 'Global Revaluation' or 'RV' of international currencies versus the US Dollar, the Great American Coin Company® has seen no evidence indicating that this is in any way genuine. It is the position of the Great American Coin Company®, that with the exceptions of normal currency fluctuations, that no 'Global Revaluation' of currencies will occur.

We recommend that any buyer of this item takes time to educate themselves regarding this product prior to purchase.

Purchasing of Venezuelan Bolivar Banknotes for any reason other than collecting is highly speculative and is not endorsed or recommended by the Great American Coin Company. 

The Great American Coin Company does not guarantee any future price or value for Venezuelan Bolivar banknotes.

The buyer takes sole responsibility for the purchase of Venezuelan Bolivar Banknotes from the Great American Coin Company.

Great American Coin is not affiliated with, endorsed by, authorized to act, sponsored by or in any way connected (through financial arrangement or otherwise) with any third parties, businesses, e-mail groups, chat rooms, or messaging groups that may provide recommendations, financial or investment advice , and/or opinions about, Great American Coin Group, LLC, or Great American Coin Company, Inc. Great American Coin does not receive or pay any compensation or other remuneration in the event that a recommendation results in a purchase and sale. Great American Coin is a registered Service Mark and may not be reproduced by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission.

Great American Coin is not responsible for any comments, advice (financial or otherwise), recommendations or referrals provided by any third parties, businesses, e-mail groups, chat rooms, or messaging groups, whether acted upon or not. We declare no affiliation, sponsorship nor any partnerships with any such groups. We are independently owned and operated as a California limited liability company.