1 Million Indonesian Rupiah IDR

Sale price$119.27

Volume Discount Pricing
Quantity Price
25+ $111.61
10+ $115.87
5+ $117.23
2+ $118.25

1 Million Indonesian Rupiah IDR



Please be advised that this is a listing for 1,000,000 IDR and may consist of any denomination of IDR equal to 1,000,000

The Great American Coin Company Company sells the Indonesian Rupiah as a collectible item only.

The Great American Coin Company does not provide investment advise.

In regards to a 'Global Revaluation' or 'RV' of international currencies versus the US Dollar, the Great American Coin Company® has seen no evidence indicating that this is in any way genuine. It is the position of the Great American Coin Company®, that with the exceptions of normal currency fluctuations, that no 'Global Revaluation' of currencies will occur.

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