Great American Coin Co Blog
November 28, 2019

A funny thing happens to gold and silver most Decembers. Prices tend to go down and this December may be the best time buy gold and silver since last summer. Prices for both metals have been on a slight downward trend, from a high of $1549 on September 3 for gold to $1460 as this article is being wr...

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March 12, 2019

January 17, 2018 marked a milestone in the TV series “The Blacklist.” It was the series’ 100th episode and the show featured the famous 1943 Bronze Cent along with stolen $100,000 US banknotes. Oh, yeah, Liz dissolved a guy’s body in a bathtub, too.

As master villain Raymond “Red” Redding...

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March 07, 2019

Coin Grading Basics for Collectors
Minor differences in appearance can make huge differences in the value of a coin. That’s why valuable coins are professionally graded, and it’s important to understand how that’s done before starting to collect coins seriously. Coin Gr...

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February 27, 2019

Stella Takes the Stage in Dallas
In 1879 the US was taking its place as a major international trading partner. With the horrors of the Civil War behind it, the nation’s farms and factories were in full swing and overseas markets were looking more favorably on US goods. American...

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February 03, 2019

Dinner is dandy, but like diamonds, silver and gold are forever. And like diamonds, silver, gold and other coins can be set into pendants, bracelets, necklaces and rings for gifts that your special someone will treasure for a lifetime.

Why Coins?

While gold and other...

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February 03, 2019

2019 Silver American Eagles Bring Beauty to Bullion
The US Mint has released the new 2019 Silver American Eagle Bullion coins for sale through its network of official distributors.

When the US Mint began selling bullion coins in 1986, any old design wouldn’t do. They...

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February 03, 2019

Is There a Fortune in Your Pocket?
An extremely rare mismatched Sacagawea dollar coin sold for $120,000 at auction on January 10, marking the third time this variety, known as a “mule coin,” has topped the $100,000 mark.

First discovered in May 2000, this error coin ...

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January 16, 2019

Well before Hawaii became a US territory in 1898, it had been settled by native South Pacific islanders as long ago as 300 AD. Spanish sailors in route to the Philippines may have come across the islands in the 1500s, but the first acknowledged European settlement occurred 200 years later after Capt...

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January 03, 2019

No, we’re not talking about laundered money. We’re focused on slugs (not bugs), the counterfeit kind of coin sometimes used to fool a coin-operated laundry washer or dryer, a soda machine, even a parking meter.

There’s likely not a college kid in America who hasn’t slipped 7 quarters into...

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