Great American Coin Co Blog
November 28, 2019

A funny thing happens to gold and silver most Decembers. Prices tend to go down and this December may be the best time buy gold and silver since last summer. Prices for both metals have been on a slight downward trend, from a high of $1549 on September 3 for gold to $1460 as this article is being wr...

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January 03, 2019

Coins and currency make great holiday gifts. Selections are plentiful and come in all price ranges, from stocking stuffers and novelties to substantial gifts of precious metals and collectible coins. Here are some ideas for last-minute shopping.

Packaged Sets


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January 03, 2019

“Prediction is difficult, especially when dealing with the future”

So says an old Danish proverb, misattributed to everyone from Niels Bohr to Yogi Berra. And while we’re certainly no soothsayers, nor do we offer investment advice, there are a few things that time has shown about the inve...

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January 03, 2019

US Mint coins and sets are great gifts that will be remembered long after the holidays. Plus, they grow in value and may even start the recipient on a life-long hobby with plenty of rewards.

Proof Sets

Each year the US Mint makes special proof coins of that year’s is...

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January 03, 2019

The earliest coins were made by pouring molten metal into molds, a process known as casting. But as demand for coins increased and manufacturing techniques improved, most coin making switched to stamping premade coin blanks between two dies, a process known as coining.

The first die-made ...

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January 03, 2019

If a coin collector is on your holiday gift list, these auctions offer a wide choice of places to shop. They range from budget-busting rarities to affordable choices for entry-level collectors.

As with any auction, knowledge is power, so do your research and don’t get caught up in a biddi...

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January 03, 2019

Gold is great, but silver offers a beautiful way to show your affection without busting your budget. And at current silver prices, it’s a bargain, too.

Here are some ways to make this holiday season memorable with a gift of silver.

Old Silver Coins

The US ...

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January 03, 2019

Some of us are old enough to remember how special it was to receive a shiny new silver dollar on our birthday or at holiday time. If we were lucky, we saved it, because it’s worth a lot more than a dollar today. And the memories it brings back are priceless.

This year you can create speci...

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January 03, 2019

Gifts of gold have been a sign of respect and affection for thousands of years. Kings and princesses have been showered with it. Lovers have been adorned in it.
But what if you can’t afford a king’s ransom. or the object of your affection isn’t a fashionista?
Fortunately, there are plenty ...

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