Great American Coin Co Blog
November 28, 2019

A funny thing happens to gold and silver most Decembers. Prices tend to go down and this December may be the best time buy gold and silver since last summer. Prices for both metals have been on a slight downward trend, from a high of $1549 on September 3 for gold to $1460 as this article is being wr...

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July 14, 2017

The 2016 presidential campaign was one for the books. An untested outsider who seemed to defy all conventional wisdom upset a well-known veteran backed by a massive party machine. And whether you agree with the outcome or not, you have to admit that the race was memorable. An occasion that monumenta...

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July 13, 2017

There are dozens of reasons to start collecting coins and we presume you’ve come up with at least one of your own. (If you’re still on the fence, read this!) But collecting coins isn’t just a hobby, it’s a learning process, too. It has its own terminology, dozens of sub-specialties, and a universall...

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July 10, 2017

The Modern Approach to Minting Coins and How It Affects Collectability Minting coins has come a long way from the days when hand-engraved dies were used to hammer designs into single blanks or molten metal was poured into coin molds. Modern manufacturing techniques and materials have resulted in coi...

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June 29, 2017

We’ve told you a lot about the joys of coin collecting—it’s a truly delightful hobby that has brought pleasure (and profit) to countless people for hundreds of years. We hope you’ve taken our advice and given it a try. But like collecting anything that involves potentially valuable items, there are ...

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June 28, 2017

There’s gold in them there rolls—or silver in some of them, at least. And that has created a special subset of coin collector…the Coin Roll Hunter. This special breed has a lot in common with the gold and silver prospectors of yore. But unlike loading up a pack mule with tools and provisions for mon...

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June 27, 2017

Coin collecting can be a serious business, but it also has its fun and fascinating side. Here are a few things you might not know. The Constitution Only Allows Coins, Not Paper Money The Founding Fathers didn’t trust paper money, so they didn’t authorize it. It took an act of Congress in 1862 to pri...

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June 26, 2017

As your coin collecting becomes more serious—or just to properly identify and protect the coins you have—you’ll want to get some tools to up your professionalism. Here are some to consider: Basic Tools These are the things every collector should have. A Magnifier
Small details...

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June 23, 2017

Coins have come a long way over the past few thousand years. The earliest ones were simply slugs of precious or semiprecious metal, hammered by hand into a more or less flat, round shape and crudely embossed with the likeness of a ruler, a god, or a mythical image. But as coin production became more...

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